Coco is a beautifully animated movie about family. While plenty of live-action movies cover this same topic, there’s just something about Coco being stylized in such a way that it makes the experience better. Animated movies have a magic that just cannot be replicated in strictly real life, but it can draw upon real life. You see, movies like this are able to utilize both the fantasy of cartoon and grittiness of real life together to create a purposeful contrast that’s visually striking. For a better understanding, let’s take a closer look into specific design choices of the movie. Coco uses artistic animation during the scene where Dante changes from his regular dog form to his spirit guide form. While Dante the dog is cartooned in proportion, the art of the animated movie gives his body a rough skin texture. Dante’s regular dog form has little to no fur, so you are able to see much of his skin, including moles and discolored patches. His muscle movements also stand out...